Monday, February 26, 2007

Interview with Julie Fillion, speaker at the 2007 CANLP Conference, April 13 – 15,

Presentation title:

How to show value for your services: measuring the impact of NLP based interventions in business

Would you please provide my readers with a brief overview of your background?

My 20 year work experience in science and management gave me the opportunity to give presentations to various audiences as well as to manage teams. This is how I became interested in how people communicate, learn and develop, as well as in creating a motivating and efficient work environment. These interests led me to complete a Masters in Public Administration in 2002, and to become a certified NLP Master Practitioner in 2006.

What is your current business practice and what role does NLP play?

Topaz Coaching & Training Inc. offers consulting, training and coaching services. To put it succinctly, NLP gives me an edge to understand client’s internal motivations and preferred mode of communication; it also gives me a battery of tools and exercises that I use. The research paper I wrote towards my coaching studies investigates more in depth what NLP brings to the coaching competencies described by the International Coach Federation; this analysis reveals that NLP has a lot of value to bring to all coaching competencies.

Would you please provide a brief summary of your presentation at the CANLP conference and indicate the key points that someone in your audience can expect to learn?

My presentation is on how to demonstrate value for your services to business clients. Since I have a background in management in a large organization, and I’m also a small business owner, I bring both perspectives to this topic, which many people perceive as being complex… My presentation will simplify this topic for CANLP participants who will learn how to measure the impact of their work by combining case studies and success stories with simple measurements. Large corporate clients need facts and figures to show return on investment, yet people also relate strongly to a good success story. My presentation will make the link between these two aspects of showing value for your services and will help small business owners with their marketing strategy. We will also look at what makes a study reliable and credible, so people will find it easier to chose which studies to cite in support of their work.

For those who would like to learn more about you, do you have a website that they can visit or a way that they can easily contact you?

My web site is currently under development; I can be contacted for information on the services I offer at:

In particular, if there are specific questions people would like to see addressed during my presentation at the CANLP conference, I would love to hear them!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Interview with Annie Gohier, speaker at the 2007 CANLP Conference, April 13 – 15

Interview with Annie Gohier, speaker at the 2007 CANLP Conference, April 13 – 15, Presentation title: La PNL appliquée aux enfants

Would you please provide my readers with a brief overview of your background (e.g. when did you first start to study NLP, what level of training have you achieved).

Je suis maître praticienne en PNL. J'étudie présentement en coaching PNL. J'ai fait ma formation dans 2 écoles. J'ai d'abord fait ma formation de base et de praticienne au CQPNL de Montréal. Puis j'ai fait ma formation de Maître Praticienne et Post Maître Coah PNL chez ID Com international auprès d'Isabelle David et son équipe. Je tenais à entreprendre l'étape du Maître Praticien et Post Maître au sein d'une équipe qui est à l'affût du développement de la PNL et qui y participe en prenant le temps de se questionner sur ce que devient la PNL au 21e siècle.

What is your current business practice and what role does NLP play?

La PNL m'a amené à perfectionner mon travail auprès des enfants et de leur famille. C'est à l'aide de la magie de la PNL que je peux parler au nom des enfants en décodant les messages qu'ils cachent sous les comportements parfois ennuyeux qu'ils adoptent. Ceci me permet ainsi de guider des familles vers l'harmonie et la conscientisation de chacun des êtres qui constituent le système familial. J'offre donc du coaching dans les familles me permettant d'observer les dynamiques. J'offre aussi des conférences pour les parents.

En plus, je travaille auprès d'intervenants en petite enfance, tant dans les CPE (garderies) que dans les écoles, afin de faciliter leur travail et de mieux comprendre les messages que les enfants leur envoient de façon très subtile et parfois même inconsciente.

La PNL m'amène aussi à soutenir les équipes de CPE et d'écoles dans la conscientisation de ce qui cause les problèmes vécus dans leur équipe de travail. La PNL est donc un outils fort utile afin d'identifier les stratégies des gens faisant partie de cette équipe et ainsi ramener un sentiment d'appartenance au sein du groupe.

Please tell us about any NLP articles or books that you have written.

J'écris des articles qui paraissent sur le site internet Petit Monde qui est un portail pour la famille et tous les gens qui travaillent auprès des enfants. On y retrouve une tonne d'informations à la fois concrètes et actuelles( ) Il est aussi possible de visiter mon site Internet pour accéder à l'ensemble des articles que j'ai écrit. ( )

Would you please provide a brief summary of your presentation at the CANLP conference and indicate the key points that someone in your audience can expect to learn?

La PNL appliquée aux enfants

Cet atelier se veut un clin d’oeil sur les différentes possibilités qu’offrent la PNL dans l’intervention auprès des enfants. Cet atelier par ses exemples vous inspirera dans votre travail auprès des enfants et vous permettra de découvrir de nouveaux outils à ajouter à votre coffre. C’est un rendez-vous! Le contenu de l’atelier est en français. Cet atelier s’adresse aux gens intéressés à tout ce qui touche les enfants et ce qui les entoure. (intervenants, parents et curieux)

Suite à cet atelier le participant sera en mesure:

  • De mieux adhérer au monde de l’enfant
  • De connaître et appliquer le modèle SCORE pour les enfants
  • De connaître différentes techniques d’intervention par le jeu inspirées d’outils de la PNL

For those who would like to learn more about you, do you have a website that they can visit or a way that they can easily contact you?

Annie Gohier
Présidente de ATTITUDES-CFT
Intervenante en petite enfance
Maître Praticienne en PNL

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Interview with Carol Ann Brazier, President of CANLP (Canadian Association of NLP)

Carol Ann, please provide a brief description of CANLP.

CANLP (the Canadian Association of NLP) was founded in 1997. CANLP is dedicated to stimulate and encourage the promotion and development of the worldwide practice of NLP.

Its objectives are:

  • To provide a leadership role in the development and promotion of NLP.
  • To promote NLP excellence through a recognized professional framework of structures for NLP certification programs.
  • To communicate issues and activities/services to members, the business community and the public.
  • To encourage and support our members in the application of NLP in their personal and professional lives.

Membership is open to everyone. For more information on CANLP, please visit or contact

You are coming to the end of your two year term as President of CANLP. At this time, what accomplishments are you most pleased with during your term as President and what vision do you hold for CANLP?

I am extremly pleased that we have been able to offer the following to our members: Membership certificates; Professional development certificates for attending the conference; advertising program in our newsletter SUPPOSE; a CANLP/ACPNL logo for use by the Institutes; private link for members to access the latest edition of SUPPOSE, documents for the Annual General Meeting and the financials! Our latest addition is an events page on the CANLP website where Institutes can key in their upcoming events directly on line thus enhancing their web presence. The members directory is also undergoing a revamp: soon members will be able to key in their contact information.

CANLP’s 18th Annual Conference will be held at the Plaza de la Chaudière Holiday Inn in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, April 13 -15. What is the theme of this conference?

Success in the New Millenium

Would you please indicate the highlights of this conference and what attendees can expect.

The CANLP/ACPNL conference is always a great place to find out what is going on in the NLP world -- current issues and trends, latest developments. It’s a major networking activity that promotes information sharing, personal and professional connections for participants.

Whether you're new to the Conference or a veteran attendee, the conference’s energizing setting is an exciting and stimulating place to discover effective strategies, models and techniques and make valuable connections with others interested in NLP. This year the theme of the conference is SUCCESS IN THE NEW MILLENIUM and we have the pleasure of having SHELLE ROSE CHARVET as our Pre-Conference workshop facilitator on the topic of Iressistable Presentations. She will also be the keynote speaker. Her topic is Success in the New Millenium. Shelle is known around the world for her ground-breaking book Words That Change Minds: Mastering the Language of Influence. It is used as a text book in several university business programs in the US and the UK as well as Coach U. It’s now available in several languages

Is there anything else you would like to add at this time?

The 2007 conference has an outstanding list of presenters who will provide you with concrete ideas and applications to enhance your own personal and professional success.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

18th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of NLP

The Canadian Association of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) will hold its next conference in Ottawa, Canada, April 13 - 15, 2007. The focus of the conference is 'Success with NLP in the New Millennium'. Well-known NLP and LAB profile trainer Shelle Rose Charvet is the Pre-Conference and Keynote Speaker and will speak about Irresistible Presentations. She is joined by 14 other presenters.

For more information on this conference, please see

Subsequent posts will feature the Carol Ann Brazier, the current President of CANLP and the conference presenters.